Genealogical Breadcrumbs: How to Follow the Right Path

GenealogicalBreadcrumbs:How to Follow the Right Path cover image

Our ancestors left us clues in the documents they created to help us with our genealogical research. You just need to follow the “genealogical breadcrumbs” to discover that next elusive generation. However, sometimes the path they left is not so clear, and we can be deceived into jumping down rabbit holes of distracting, irrelevant, but … Read more

Create Genealogy Maps Using PowerPoint

Create maps for genealogy using PowerPoint

Have you ever wanted to create a map for your genealogy research but been overwhelmed by the process? Did you find a software program to help you but found it expensive or difficult to use? I’ve discovered an affordable and easy way to create your own customized maps using Microsoft’s PowerPoint. Yes, PowerPoint. In my … Read more