New Full-Text Search at FamilySearch Uses Artificial Intelligence

Last week at Rootstech, FamilySearch announced a new experimental feature to search several unindexed collections. This enhancement harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) and optical character recognition (OCR) to quickly search several valuable record collections. It has the potential to not only drastically cut search time, but it may also help break through brick walls. Full-text SearchContinue reading “New Full-Text Search at FamilySearch Uses Artificial Intelligence”

Genealogy Ping Pong: Alternating Between Documentary Research and DNA

Ping Pong is the perfect metaphor to describe how to use both documentary records and DNA to break down genealogy brick walls. The strategy begins by analyzing evidence from documentary records and then using your findings here to guide the analysis of your DNA matches. Next, use the patterns observed within your DNA matches toContinue reading “Genealogy Ping Pong: Alternating Between Documentary Research and DNA”

Land Deed Witnesses: Clues to Family Relationships

Land deeds provide more information than the locations of where our ancestors lived. Witnesses can help break through stubborn genealogical brick walls. #ancestry #genealogy #familyhistory