Genealogy Ping Pong: Alternating Between Documentary Research and DNA

Ping Pong is the perfect metaphor to describe how to use both documentary records and DNA to break down genealogy brick walls. The strategy begins by analyzing evidence from documentary records and then using your findings here to guide the analysis of your DNA matches. Next, use the patterns observed within your DNA matches toContinue reading “Genealogy Ping Pong: Alternating Between Documentary Research and DNA”

Why Create a Location Guide for Genealogical Research?

For some reading this post, its title may seem rhetorical – a forgone conclusion. Of course, genealogists create location guides. But why don’t more of us do it? I consider myself a “good” genealogist. I’ve broken down many brick walls, but I’m also impatient and easily excitable. I’m perhaps too quick in following newly discoveredContinue reading “Why Create a Location Guide for Genealogical Research?”