Y-DNA Testing Strategies by Research Question: Using Targeted Testing

Y-DNA Testing Strategies by Research Question: Using Targeted Testing

I am honored to be a part of RootsTech 2025 with a presentation on Y-DNA testing strategies. Whether or not you are attending RootsTech, you can watch my prerecorded session online at no charge by logging into FamilySearch. There are also a great number of other online and recorded sessions to watch. RootsTech Y-DNA Presentation … Read more

Using Gephi Network Graphs to Analyze Unlinked Family Clusters

Using Gephi Network Graphs to Analyze Unlinked Family Clusters

In the last post, I presented a strategy for expanding a genetic network of shared matches all within a DNA testing website. The strategy is called Viewed Match Switching. Now, I present a similar but more holistic strategy using Gephi network graphs. This process is more demanding of our mental and computational resources, but it … Read more

Viewed Match Switching within Genetic Networks: Find More Relevant Matches

Viewed Match Switching within Genetic Networks: Find More Relevant Matches

If you’re using genetic networks to analyze your DNA matches, then you need to also use viewed match switching. This DNA analysis strategy helps you find more relevant matches for the ancestor being researched and construct a more robust proof argument. I first introduced viewed match switching in my genetic network blog series in its … Read more

Genealogical Breadcrumbs: How to Follow the Right Path

GenealogicalBreadcrumbs:How to Follow the Right Path cover image

Our ancestors left us clues in the documents they created to help us with our genealogical research. You just need to follow the “genealogical breadcrumbs” to discover that next elusive generation. However, sometimes the path they left is not so clear, and we can be deceived into jumping down rabbit holes of distracting, irrelevant, but … Read more

Breaking Through 18th and 19th Century Brick Walls: ‘Don’t Let Go of Your EGGOS’

Breaking Through 18th and 19th Century Brick Walls: ‘Don’t Let Go of Your EGGOS’

How to break through genealogical brick walls using an EGGOS search strategy with shared or in-common with DNA matches. #ancestry #genealogy #familyhistory @ancestry